miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011

Shimba Hills NP

Some weeks ago, I profited of one of my scarce (and, consequently, extremely valuable) free weekends to go on the trip who was my first safari ever. We went on a two-day trip to the National Park of Shimba Hills, known by its evergreen forests, elephants and the very rare sable antelope (being the only place in Kenya were you can see this gorgeous animal). And, curiously, it remembered me so much of Northern Spain: tall covered with lush forests and green grasslands. Until you see the fauna and realize of the size of the trees (obviously, in Spain we don't have elephants).
Summing up: even in this park is severely neglected due to the proximity of Tsavo, and due to the lack of big cats (no lions, and leopards and hyenas, even if present, are extremely difficult to see) this park thrives with wildlife, and the scenery is one of the most impressives I have seen so far in this part of the continent. But, this is maybe only because I felt in love with the sable antelope... once again, biologist friends, you understand me!

Who cares about cars coming? The road is such a nice place for a sunbath!

Forest elephant

Pumba and some friends.

The most dangerous of the big five: buffaloes.

A curious bushbaby.

Yes, it's a squirrel.

The sable antelopes.

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