domingo, 18 de septiembre de 2011

You realize you live in Africa when...

... your only measure of time is based on sunset and sunrise.
... you are awaken early in the morning by: the mosque calling to prayer, the fish eagles or a monkey entering your room.
... you start to think that the protein content of your diet is alarmingly low.
... huge tragedies with hundreds of victims happen only some hundreds of kilometers away from your house regularly.
... you cannot see the other persons around you at night, but still somebody greets you from the dark.
... electricity shutdowns are a part of daily life... in the case you have electricity.
... your conception of hygiene and tidiness become "dangerously relaxed" compared with the ones you brought with you from home... and you don't remember where did you leave them.
... a monkey pooing in your work-mate's bed, which is only one meter away from yours, is a matter of routine.
... you have been bitten by leeches, mosquitoes, sandflies, flies, horseflies, caterpillars, spiders... and many other things you are unable to identify.
... the kids from the village greet you with a song every time they see you... about 10 times per day, all the several hundreds of kids.
... bribing police officers is nothing estrange.
... you see as many young female prostitutes as young male prostitutes.
... the moon, from time to time, changes radically its coloration.
... you can see the milky way crossing the sky from horizon to horizon absolutely every night.
... all the fruit you eat is fresh. Always.
...chocolate is motive to enormous happiness.
... the thing you fear most to encounter while walking alone are baboons. As well as the thing you fear most to enter your house.
... you enjoy of the pole pole way of life.
... you think that passion fruit juice is the most awesome beverage you can have.
... you don't understand why is it absolutely impossible to find a decent coffee in a country that grows one of the best coffees of the world.
A sykes monkey, in our garden.

2 comentarios:

  1. Muy bueno!!

    Me da que uno que yo sé se está convirtiendo en un guarrete que no se lava...luego normal que vengas moreno, tendrás varias capas de mierda...jajajaja!!!

    Por cierto, que es lo que pasa con los babuinos??son muy agresivos??

  2. Me alegro de que te guste! No es convertirse en guarrete... es que mantener el mismo nivel de limpieza e higiene que en Europa es simplemente insostenible, mas que nada por el calor y el polvo.
    En cuanto a los babuinos... coming soon!
