viernes, 21 de octubre de 2011

Last night in Tsavo...

Well. Such an amazing week. It is tough to be in such a remote area, but I have found myself in more basic conditions before (most of you know something about my adventures in Madagascar). In any case, it was worth: the place, the people, the experience, the nature, the project... it was hard work, but that doesn't matter. I will miss this place.
But OK, new adventures come ahead. Tomorrow I am going on safari to Tsavo West and Tsavo West National Parks, land of wildlife, volcanos, Savannah, elephants and man-eating lions. Sounds promising!
But meanwhile, here you can find some more pictures of this week in the Taveta district, in the border with Tanzania.
The Impalas.

Sunset in our camp.

A traditional Maasai warrior, with its traditional spear, traditional clothes, traditional jewelry and traditional cellphone.

Maasai elder. No traditional cellphone in this case.
The Savannah.

Lake Challa, in the borderline with Tanzania. A lake used by smugglers and anglers... and with a lot of black legends around it.

Monitor Lizzard. Maybe not very exciting, but for crazy Biologists like me.

Baby Croc. And yes, Big Mamma was not far away...

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