jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011

The dolphin code of conduct

I have once mentioned that GVI, in partnership with the KWS (Kenya Wildlife Services) elaborated in 2007 the firs Cetacean Watching Code of Conduct in Kenya, in order to regulate the dolphin watching industry and ensure its sustainability. So, here you have the contents of this Code:
-          If you sight dolphins, slow down gradually, approach slowly, keep parallel to dolphin course, avoid sudden changes in boat speed or direction.
-          Do not chase, drive directly or encircle dolphins.
-          Move away slowly if dolphins show signs of distress: slap tail on the surface of the water, changes on direction or long dives.
-          Avoid dolphins with young: stress endangers their survival.
-          Do not swim, touch or feed dolphins.
-          If you encounter the dolphins while snorkeling, remain calm, let the dolphins approach you, don’t attempt to feed or touch them.
-          Ensure that there are no more than 2 boats at the same time with the dolphins.
-          Keep a 100 meter distance if there are already 2 boats with the dolphins.
-          Don’t spend more than 15 minutes with the dolphins.

Even though, this Code is difficult to enforce, and boats are often found breaking it.

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