martes, 26 de julio de 2011

Arrival in Mombasa

After an exhausting daylong trip Madrid-Rome-Nairobi-Mombasa, I was welcomed late at night by a colleague working in the same NGO, and brought to the staff apartment in the center of the city. My lost baggage, missed somewhere in the Nairobi airport, was to arrive the day after, fortunately.
I have spent the first two days of my African adventure in Mombasa. This is an old city in an island the Indian coast, supposed so be about 1000 years old. Back in the 16th century, its property alternated between Portugal and Oman, and later Portugal left its place to United Kingdom in the struggle in the beginning of the 19th century, before the colonization. Nowadays, it’s still an important commercial port, and the second biggest city in Kenya (being Nairobi the most populated one).
Unluckily, I have not had opportunity to see the old town and fortress, as I was getting introduced to the work of GVI, and visiting their work in one of the small slums of the city, where they work with defavourised kids and doing community development. I may not have seen landmarks, but this is a glimpse of what most Africans live daily.

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